Director : Claudio D'Attis, Roberto Basile
Starring : Michele Nappo, Comasia Castellana, Karin Herbort, Franco D'Attis, Daniela D'Attis, Alexander Hoymann, Roberto Basile
Runtime : 10 minutes
Genre : Short, Experimental, Comedy, Drama
Digital - Color
Language : German
Country : Germany


A lonely nurse from Wetzlar spreads her faith in a bizarre clinic, while Pastor Haase takes care of the artificial intelligence. Four modern evangelists are the answer!

© Claudio D'Attis, Roberto Basile

Holy Bible directed by Claudio D'Attis and Roberto Basile is a satirical short film with a family spirit, pessimistic and offbeat in which the issue of artificial intelligence is skillfully paralleled with the Catholic religion. A beneficial merger? Here, the answer leaves room for the subjective interpretation of the viewer. Thus, the two directors create a mysterious, funny, surreal and defragmented film, whose sequence of improbable images and dialogues constantly leads to reflection, never excluding their favorite themes: modern technologies and spirituality. We notice meticulous and dynamic work on the editing with a very particular narrative construction, suggesting certain similarities with the latest films of Jean Luc Godard and his experimental quest. We could also mention David Lynch and his Inland Empire, which raises constant questions about the real message of his film. 

© Claudio D'Attis, Roberto Basile

In this short work, stylistic effects cannot be excluded ; in fact, black and white, 3D, stroboscopy, color saturation are as many elements to take into consideration as the story itself. We are thus immersed outside of time, in a universe punctuated by naive and infantile melodies creating an almost hypnotic dynamism. The actors here play the role of disruptors, constantly throwing us off balance with their hilarious and unpredictable acting.

Holy Bible does not fit into any specific category except that of the unidentifiable film object, to be consumed without moderation by any good self-respecting film buff.

By Hallucinea Film Festival

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